[Latest 2024] GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Sem 7 Syllabus

[Latest 2024] GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Sem 7 Syllabus

GTU Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 7

L=lectures, T=tutorial, P=Practical, E=TheoryExternal, M=TheoryInternal, I=Practical Internal, V=Practical External, ESE – End Semester Examination, PA – Progressive Assessment
Effective From: June 2021 -

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
3170001Summer Internship2-Project000002080100
3171001Microwave Theory and Techniques4Professional Elective - IV30270302030150
3171003Digital Signal Processing4Professional Core30270302030150
3171004Wireless Communication4Professional Core30270302030150
3171104Biomedical Electronics4Professional Elective - IV30270302030150
3171105Introduction of Artificial Intelligence3Open Elective - III20270302030150
3171106Wireless Sensor Networks3Professional Elective - V20270302030150
3171107Introduction to MEMS3Professional Elective - V20270302030150
3171108Internet of Things3Professional Elective - V20270302030150
3171109Digital Image and Video Processing4Professional Elective - VI30270302030150
3171110Radar and Navigational Aids4Professional Elective - VI30270302030150
3171111Testing and Verification4Professional Elective - VI30270302030150
3171112Automotive Electronics3Open Elective - III20270302030150
3171113Practical aspects of Computer Vision3Open Elective - III20270302030150
3171114Introduction of Machine learning4Professional Elective - IV30270302030150
Effective From: June 2017 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
-2170001Project - I4-Compulsory004002080100
2171001Microwave Engineering6Compulsory40270302030150
2171003Digital Signal Processing6Compulsory40270302030150
2171004Wireless Communication6Compulsory40270302030150
2171005Embedded Systems5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
2171007Satellite Communication5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
2171008Data Communication and Networking5Compulsory30270302030150
2171102Biomedical Instrumentation5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
2171103Industrial Automation5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
Effective From: June 2016 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
-2170001Project - I4-Compulsory004002080100
2171001Microwave Engineering6Compulsory40270302030150
2171003Digital Signal Processing6Compulsory40270302030150
2171004Wireless Communication6Compulsory40270302030150
2171005Embedded Systems5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
2171007Satellite Communication5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
2171008Data Communication and Networking5Compulsory30270302030150
2171102Biomedical Instrumentation5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
2171103Industrial Automation5Departmental Elective II30270302030150
Effective From: 2008-09 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
170001Project - I4-Compulsory0040050100150
171001Microwave Engineering5Compulsory30270302030150
171002Power Electronics4Department Elective-I20270302030150
171003Digital Signal Processing6Compulsory40270302030150
171004Wireless Communication6Compulsory40270302030150
171005Embedded Systems5Department Elective-I30270302030150
171006Biomedical Instrumentation5Department Elective-I30270302030150
171007Satellite Communication5Department Elective-I30270302030150

GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus

From the below table, students can download GTU Electronics & Communication Engineering Branch's other semester syllabus PDFs too. To download other semesters syllabus PDFs, click on any of the semesters from the below table.

No. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus PDFs
1. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 1
2. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 2
3. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 3
4. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 4
5. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 5
6. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 6
7. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 7
8. GTU BE Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Sem 8

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