[Latest 2024] GTU ME Town and Country Planning Sem 2 Syllabus

GTU Latest 2024 Town and Country Planning Sem 2 Syllabus for all subjects pdfs download.

The GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus for the year 2024 has been recently published by Gujarat Technical University (GTU), covering all semesters and subjects. This latest 2024 updated syllabus is essential for students as they prepare for their semester exams, providing them with a clear understanding of the topics to be covered and the distribution of marks for theory and practical exams.

GTU Town and Country Planning Syllabus Sem 2

L=lectures, T=tutorial, P=Practical, E=TheoryExternal, M=TheoryInternal, I=Practical Internal, V=Practical External, ESE – End Semester Examination, PA – Progressive Assessment
Effective From: 2018-19 -

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
3700001English for Research Paper Writing0-Audit Course2005000050
3700002Disaster Management0-Audit Course2005000050
3724801Urban Planning Techniques & Practices4Core III30270302030150
3724802Regional Planning4Core IV30270302030150
3724803Geosptial Techniques and Planning4-Program Elective III30270302030150
3724807Tourism Planning and Development4Program Elective IV30270302030150
3724814Environmental Impact and Disaster Management4-Program Elective III30270302030150
3724815Smart Metropolitan Planning4Program Elective III30270302030150
3724816Legal Issues in Urban Planning4-Program Elective IV30270302030150
-3724817Studio: Mini Project with Seminar2-Core004001000100
Effective From: 2014-15 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
2724801Urban Planning Techniques & Practice5Core III32270302030150
2724802Regional Planning4Core IV32070302030150
2724803Geospatial Techniques and Planning5Major Elective II32270302030150
2724804Planning for Disaster Management5Major Elective II32270302030150
2724805Regional & Mass Transportation System Planning5-Major Elective II32270302030150
2724807Tourism Planning and System Management4-Major Elective III32070302030150
2724812Urban Governance & Development Management4Major Elective III32070302030150
2724813Housing for Special Area5-Open Elective32270302030150
Effective From: 2012-13 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
1720001Principles of Management3Compulsory3007030200120
1721303Regional and Mass Transportation Systems Planning4Major Elective II3207002030120
1724801Urban Planning Techniques and Practice4Compulsory4007002030120
1724802Regional Planning (Core-V)4Compulsory4007002030120
1724803Geospatial Techniques & Planning4-Major Elective II3207002030120
1724804Planning for Disaster Management4Major Elective II3207002030120
1724806Rural Planning and Development3-Major Elective III3007002030120
1724807Tourism Planning & Development3Major Elective III3007002030120
1724808Project Planning and Management3-Major Elective III3007002030120
1724809Interdisciplinary ELECTIVE II4Institute Elective II32070302030150
1724810Planning Studio - II2-Compulsory004002080100
1724811Graduate Report - II1-Compulsory002002080100

GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus

From the below table, students can download GTU Town and Country Planning Branch's other semester syllabus PDFs too. To download other semesters syllabus PDFs, click on any of the semesters from the below table.

No. GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus PDFs
1. GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus Sem 1
2. GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus Sem 2
3. GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus Sem 3
4. GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus Sem 4


In conclusion, the GTU ME Town and Country Planning Syllabus for 2024 plays a vital role in guiding students at Gujarat Technical University towards academic success. By providing a comprehensive outline of the subjects, mark distribution, and learning objectives for each subject, the syllabus equips students with the necessary knowledge and understanding to excel in their exams.

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